Founders’ Collection ‘Citizen Zero’ Drops on February 5th! - Build Citizen Conflict with us
Founders’ Collection ‘Citizen Zero’ Drops on February 5th! - Build Citizen Conflict with us

Founders’ Collection ‘Citizen Zero’ Drops on February 5th! - Build Citizen Conflict with us

Blog By Pavel Soral

Feb 02, 2024 , 6 min

Citizens! The rumors traversing the streets of Ether Islands are true - the initial founders’ collection of Citizen Conflict, Citizen Zero, goes live soon. Its limited supply gets imperiled by the free mint nature of this founders’ NFT collection. So don’t just sit here -lock your guaranteed whitelist before the regrets kick in!

Citizen Zero Collection Overview

  • Guaranteed $QORPO Airdrop
  • Founders’ Collection significance
  • DAO governance rights
  • In-game NFT character
  • Ecosystem rewards & season skin drops
  • Super high rarity - forever only 2,222 pieces
  • Ethereum-based free mint
  • Makes you #SelectedOne czeroannouncementblog-opened-2.png

Become the Founder of Citizen Conflict

Every successful project needs Founders - masterminds, those who support and build the vision, because they understand the value they create. Citizen Conflict has quaked the ground 4-fold with an acclaimed Alpha test unleashed each quarter this year, until finding home on Epic Store.

With several tournament rounds, a $10k prize pool sponsored by Qtum Foundation and the recent $10k in $QORPO tournament, Citizen Conflict has established itself as the most esports-ready hero shooter on blockchain. Yet still, the biggest gigs and updates loom ahead.

Are you up for becoming one of the 2,222 forward-thinking first-movers and reaping the Founders’ privilege? Do not hesitate to shoot and prove your relevance in the virtual battle arenas.

Citizen Zero Mint Phases

This free mint will be launched on Monday, the 5th of February, in several phases. The first ones to get access will be holders of guaranteed whitelists, who’ll have the gates open at 2 pm UTC until 6 pm UTC. Afterwards, we will continue with the first-come-first-served (FCFS) round, from 6 pm UTC onwards to 10 pm UTC.

We know that not all of you will be able to jump in soon enough and get your Citizen Zero NFT, however, we care for our community and we want to do our best to reward your dedication. All Citizens who miss their chance to mint their piece of the founders' collection will get several other valuable TBA in-game content pieces to enjoy fun times with whatever valuables it keeps inside.

Citizen Zero Utilities: unlock the Citizen Conflict experience

The Founders’ collection of Citizen Conflict dystopia literally brims with utilities every gaming enthusiast would kill for. No other NFT collection we’ve released so far brings so much gold to the table. Not only is it free, but Citizen Zero puts you in the shoes of the most valued and venerable Citizen of Ether Islands.


Founder’s Privilege and Governance Rights

Citizen Zero comes with the rights and honors no other citizen is entitled to take pride in. To start with, you will get a new restricted role on our Discord. While regular Citizen Conflict followers are titled Citizens, your role will be augmented to Citizens Zero. But this is where it starts.

Your founders’ NFT will grant you DAO governance rights based on which, you’ll be eligible to vote in closed polls and voice your preference on the exclusive season skin drops among many other perks yet to come your way.

Full-blown in-game hero

Citizen Zero is the ONLY Citizen Conflict hero you can’t play with unless you’re the actual NFT holder of one of the 2,222 NFT pieces. Citizen Zero, thus, can’t be obtained anywhere else and definitely can’t be unlocked within the game. The only way to get your Citizen Zero character is to own Citizen Zero NFT - and stay a privileged founder forever.

Frequent season skin drops to up your style

Every single base hero in Citizen Conflict enjoys multiple fancy-looking skins to uphold your style and solidify your digital presence. Citizen Zero will be no exception, but there’s a special twist to it.

We will be releasing exclusive season skins available only for the Citizen Zero holders and you will be in charge of them. All the founders will have a chance to vote and decide which skins will follow to enhance your style and cement your statement.

Guaranteed $QORPO airdrop - increased with the skill

There have been several chances to get an airdrop chance throughout the last year of QORPO WORLD and its projects. None will be as lavish and bountiful as this one. And the best part? You are the master of the airdrop amount that will land on your wallet.

Since Citizen Zero is the special playable hero, one of its utilities is its ability to maximize your airdrop amount as you progress in the game. Play Citizen Conflict as a Citizen Zero, earn in-game points and those will decide how big your piece of your $QORPO cake will be.

How to proceed? You can soft stake your Citizen Zero NFT and farm ecosystem tasks in several seasons (Airdrop Campaign to Season 3 leading up to Season 2025). Your final airdrop reward will be based on your activity and soft staking. Here you can learn more about soft staking, farming and airdrop details.

How to get your Citizen Zero

A vital question is: How to get this coolest NFT yet? A short answer is: For free when it drops on 5th of February. But there are only 2,222 pieces and not everyone will be lucky enough to get the steal of their life. To overcome the disappointment once the collection’s fully gone, we issue a guaranteed whitelist. In essence, anyone whitelisted will assuredly get their Citizen Zero NFT in the guaranteed whitelist round of the sale. Currently, whitelists are guaranteed to all the Smiler “” holders.

Get yours on OpenSea to get whitelisted.


Blog By Pavel Soral

Feb 02, 2024 , 6 min

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